There’s this whole Jack Chick knockoff world that has been around for decades despite having the worst arguments.

  • tygerprints
    711 months ago

    Disregard for evolution - the greatest evil ever perpetrated under the pretense of doing good for the world. I hate Jack Chick and his filthy pornographic little booklets.

    Once I was helping an elderly couple to get fitted with needed medical equipment - the husband was off chatting up the pretty girls in the sales area.

    Meanwhile the wife quietly slipped an anti-gay Jack Chick leaflet onto my desk. I’m not sure why, I am gay but it wasn’t anything I was discussing with her or even had brought up. SO I took the leaflet and handed it back and said, “Please don’t give me this. I deserve much better after all the help I’ve been giving you.”

    She seemed offended but I found her husband’s lechery to be even more offensive, but I assume she didn’t hand him a booklet about it.