Having been forceably removed from the workforce I have been, as the godly call, blessed to become a Gentleman of Leisure. These are the indispensable tools of someone very hardily doing nothing that the capitalist class can find a way to make shilling from.

A top my diodrio journal cover is a cigar tube currently holding a Tabak Especial Negra. Below that left to right is a Stanley 4 in 1 pen screwdriver, a Speedball fountain pen, a Kimberly 4H pencil, a Tide To-go pen, A Streamlight Stylus Pro, a Wegner Swiss Army Cigar Cutter knife, and ow profile bluetooth headphones.

Behind all that is my wallet, some earplugs, and a guillotine cigar cutter.

on the right side is my Contemplatio covered in cigar labels.

Missing in the picture is my torch lighter.

  • @rockstarmode
    211 months ago

    Looks great, especially with the cigar. I’m in the US, so my preference would need a pistol and a few mags.

    • fiend_unpleasant ☑️ OP
      11 months ago

      I carry often but not everyday so I won’t include it in posts about my edc