President Joe Biden’s campaign on Saturday excoriated former President Donald Trump for sharing a video on social media depicting what appears to be an image of Biden tied up and kidnapped in the back of a pickup truck.

“This image from Donald Trump is the type of crap you post when you’re calling for a bloodbath or when you tell the Proud Boys to ‘stand back and stand by,’” Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler said in a statement to ABC News.

Earlier this month, while discussing the American auto industry, Trump said there would be a “bloodbath” if he did not win the presidential election in November, a comment that garnered swift backlash from Biden himself.

Trump and his campaign said that he meant a “bloodbath” for the U.S. auto industry, and Trump quickly fundraised off claims his political opponents are spreading misinformation about his remarks.

“Trump is regularly inciting political violence and it’s time people take him seriously — just ask the Capitol Police officers who were attacked protecting our democracy on January 6,” Tyler added in his statement.

  • Verdant Banana
    1 year ago

    the workers of the US who the elites depend on would have to call out at least for day

    if enough citizens revolted by not working just one day that would certainly start an upset

    imagine if Biden or Trump’s leash holders started hemorrhaging resources and their stocks plunged

      1 year ago

      Collective action can certainly be powerful. But your plan seems to have some pretty glaring holes. Strikes aren’t protected in the US for non-work-related issues, are they? And you’d have to decide when the strike ends, i.e. when a “good” candidate is proposed, which everyone will have different opinions on. Seems to me the better move would be to be pushing for a rework of the voting system into one that allows voting for other parties without throwing away a vote.

    • TommySalami
      1 year ago

      There are over a hundred million working adults in the US, and all of them with their own opinions and needs. Many of them completely out of touch with the world outside of their bubble, and some who even approve of the current trajectory. The idea of organizing a generalized strike is a complete pipe dream. I’d love to see it, but we are nowhere even close to that. We must work with reasonable, attainable solutions.

    • Doc Avid
      1 year ago

      To confirm and expand on what others are saying: a general strike is not protected, and any union that endorses one will lose their recognition. How can you get that many people to risk their jobs, with no organizing union that can even legally participate?

      If you can get that many people that dedicated to your cause, it would be a whole lot easier to just get them to vote in a primary.