• @[email protected]
    36 months ago

    “ignoring the major players in the industry”

    UE5 had turned into the standard whether you like it or not. I personally don’t like the engine, but that doesn’t mean I’ll lie about its position in the market, and neither should you. You aren’t doing Godot any favours with it

    • @Gabu
      06 months ago

      When said “major players” only pump out trash that’s not fun to play, yes, I will ignore them gladly. The last AAA game I bought was Fallen Order, which I promply refunded after finishing, since it was more of a walking and climbing simulator than anything else – and that was one of the better AAA games to come out in the past decade.

      Indie devs and studios are the ones actually carrying the industry forwards.

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        Your preference doesn’t dictate what’s industry standard is my point. It would be like someone only playing exclusively Total War games claiming the Warscape Engine is industry standard, sounds pretty stupid doesn’t it.

        The last AAA game I bought was Fallen Order,

        A shame you missed out on Baldurs Gate 3 then. Alan Wake also got great criticism.

        • @Gabu
          06 months ago

          Fallacious reasoning. “Indie” isn’t a genre of games. I don’t claim AAA games are garbage because of a preference – they’re objectively slop made without passion as a cashgrab.