Bonus points for any books you believe are classics from that time period. Any language, but only fiction please.

I’m really excited to see what Lemmy has.

  • @Rolando
    1011 months ago

    Consider Kazuo Ishiguro. I’ve only read Remains of the Day, and that was because I liked the movie, but the book is basically flawless.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      You need to read The Unconsoled. It’s my favorite book, period, but arguably his best. I stumbled upon it randomly in a used bookstore, not being familiar with Ishiguro, and fell in love with it. Ended up reading most of his others as well, and nothing quite stacks up to The Unconsoled—for my tastes. Remains of the day I actually put down, maybe I just wasn’t in the mood, but it didn’t grab me the way the Unconsoled did. But also recommend never let me go, when we were orphans, and the buried giant, for sure.