Got (5) Majestic Thai and (5) Strawberry Milk and Qookies Remixed, both from Night Owl Seeds! Majestic Thai is Daz’s first released photoperiod that have only been sent out to 100 people.

  • MeeechOP
    1 year ago

    I have two pumps. One that stays in the res which handles pumping water to the table, and another that I only drop in when it’s time to dump and refill the water.

    Res pump:

    Drian/fill pump:

    The res pump uses 1/2" tubing. I did have to buy an additional adapter from the hardware store that threaded onto the pump and had the barbed end to push the tubing onto it. I spiced in two inline taps so I can cut access to the flood table and instead have it rerouted back into the res for easy mixing. The drain uses 3/4" tubing to ensure it drains more than it can fill. All tubes are zip tied to their connectors to prevent leaks.

    The drain/fill pump has a garden hose permanently attached to it. I bought one of those ball valve hose attachments so I can turn the flow of water on and off, even with the pump running. It’s a 50’ garden hose so I can snake it outside and water the grass with my old nutes to get every last bit of use out of it. To fill the res, I’m using plain old tap water for this grow. The new nute line I’m trying out, Cropsalt, recommended tap over RO if your tap water was up to par. I have a 5gal bucket that I keep the pump in. Place that sucker under the bathtub and the res fills up in a few minutes.