You might not be aware but Lemmy has RSS built into it. I just noticed myself so I wanted to check out the current state of RSS clients and well, nothing seems to be quite what I’m after.

What RSS clients out there are worth looking at? I notice several have self-hosted server solutions which is interesting. I don’t care if it’s free, open source, paid or whatever though, I just want a good experience.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I haven’t. I just installed it to check it out, but I don’t even see a freshRSS sync option.

    • @Chobbes
      11 year ago

      Ah, I use the fever API.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Ok it works, I tried it a little bit. I like the swipe left/right to get to move around and get options, but I’m not a fan of the way groups/categories work. On Reeder I get the classic folder structure: each feed is inside the category. On Unread I can select the single feed (but they’re all unorganized) OR I can select the category (in that case the feeds are mixed by default, or they’re ordered by website but in that case I have to manually scroll through all posts of other websites of the same category before I can get to the one I want to read). I don’t know if I explained myself, but I basically find it quicker to get to the content I want using Reeder’s way. In the same category/topic I might have feeds that I check daily and other ones that I barely check every now and then, and that’s not a problem with Reeder (I do a weekly “mark all as read” if the backlog gets too long), while I feel it gets a little hard to do the same thing on Unread.

        Anyway, that’s how I browse feeds. If you like Unread, go on with it. Sorry for the wall of text.

        • @Chobbes
          11 year ago

          Awesome, thanks for giving me an in depth comparison!

          Yeah, I basically just look at all of my feeds in one list most of the time, though I do have groups in Unread. I guess I’m not super clear on how reeder differs, but if it is actually better for reading infrequent articles and stuff I’d be curious. I should probably just pay the $5 and try it…