How are you grinding, if applicable?

How are you brewing it?

What’s your favorite brand of instant, if applicable?

Are you satisfied with the taste?

Do you need ideas on how to make it better?

  • @KammicRelief
    211 months ago

    I’ve been back on a roasting kick, using a popcorn popper. It works surprisingly well, it’s cheap, and another fun thing to nerd out to! This week I’m brewing a few different roasts (all in the light-to-medium range) of an Ethiopia Sidamo bean from Sweet Maria’s (my main source for green beans). I usually do V60, but sometimes Kalita, lately using Lance Hedrick’s 1-2-1 recipe. I have a LIDO 2 hand grinder that I’m pretty happy with. I’m toying with the idea of sifting out fines, but I’m not sure I want to throw that big of a variable into my process just yet–differences between roasts and slight changes I make to pouring etc. are enough variables so far. And yes, very satisfied! This 1-2-1 recipe has allowed me to grind coarser than usual (I think because of how you agitate the fines out of the bed and into the filter, which slows the drawdown), and that has really helped with flavors. (Another reason I’m not sure I want to sift out fines just yet.)