This week I’m refurbishing a 15+ yr old computer which was stalling on windows 10 and got abandoned. Currently making a huge backup to an Icy box (the self built variant of a wd passport or similar).

On wednesday, a friend comes over and we’re repasting the old i5. I might add some ram and a better but used cpu later which should give this thing another 10 yrs as a server. The mainboard is full of features and would accept a 4 core with 8 threads and 16 GBs of DDR3. Nothing to play recent games on but maaaaany docker containers will run on this baby! :)

Let me know what you’re doing to spit on consumerism and built-for-the-landfill-economy.

Reminder: I made a petition on to make consumer electronics manufacturers open their devices after they stop supporting them. Please sign it, your support is needed.

  • @[email protected]
    156 months ago

    I’m on a quest to make everything from scratch that I reasonably can. [email protected] my own beer and cider and other stuff. [email protected] my own bread. [email protected] my own house ware organizers. (next up is recycling plastic bottles into filament!) I’m trying to incorporate walking where I used to drive. It’s not easy, I’m in a typical American city, but I do what I can.

    • @Postmortal_Pop
      56 months ago

      Hang on, are you me? Lol

      If you’re looking for a good summertime beverage, I’d like to point you to tepache. It’s made from pineapple rind and sugar and only takes about 2 weeks to brew out. I recently brewed a batch with apples, pineapples, and bread yeast and the result was somewhere between a strong cider and a tropical punch with a nice golden color.

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        I’ve made tepache twice and it suuuuucked. It smelled like if a barn had stinky feet.

        You added yeast? Everything I’ve seen says not to.

        • @Postmortal_Pop
          46 months ago

          That’s actually the big factor in making it good. Tradition tepache uses the natural bacteria on the pineapple rind to ferment it, but unless you’re growing that pineapple yourself you have to compete with the wild nonsense they get exposed to in the shipping process. Add a controlled yeast to the mix and you get a way better result. Personally I like baking yeast because you can buy it by the pound for cheap and it has a low alcohol tolerance so you get sweet, bready flavors but I’d imagine it works fine with any other.

    • hauiOPM
      26 months ago

      Damn! Thats very cool! Have you considered making videos about it? People underestimate how much others can actually learn from them.

      • FauxPseudo
        36 months ago

        I do a lot of the same stuff and people are constantly telling me I need to make videos. But they fail to that moment you decide to make videos you have to buy a whole lot of lighting gear and you will increase the amount of time it takes to do anything by at least eight fold when you figure in camera positioning and editing. Massively increases the mental and time load.

        • hauiOPM
          26 months ago

          I understand. Its a lot of work to do videos properly. I was rather referring to just putting a phone in the corner and a cheap bluetooth mic on your shirt. But I get your point. Its not as easy as it sounds.

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        I’d love to. I don’t wanna be a content creator, but I’d love to make videos as a hobby. Sadly, it’s too much time right now. Full time job, family, and making things from scratch leaves little time.

        • hauiOPM
          26 months ago

          I get that. Some folks just put their phone on record and upload uncut. most often perfection is the enemy of good.