Combined assets of $14.2tn are more than the GDP of every country except China and the US

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  • @General_Effort
    36 months ago

    She just says nice things? That’s it? I’m completely ignorant on celebrities or pop music. I find that WP has a page on the “Political impact of Taylor Swift

    It sounds she is no different from a corporation putting a rainbow flag to their logo for pride month. I mean, it’s something. One shouldn’t be too cynical. But it’s also kinda normal.

      • @LeroyJenkins
        16 months ago

        saying “not that I’m defending a billionaire” while defending a billion doesn’t make you not defend them. she didn’t just donate very very little. she donates almost nothing of her wealth every time regardless of whether it’s a single person or the whole cause. she donates enough to make the news and no more.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Yup, that’s pretty much it, that’s how low the bar is for other billionaires. That’s all it takes to make her “the best of a very bad bunch”