NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is proposing to establish a fund of allied contributions worth $100 billion over five years for Ukraine as part of a package for alliance leaders to sign off when they gather in Washington in July.
No need to be rude. Your question was not specific. NATO knew that Russia was concerned about NATO expansion, they did it anyway. Many saw this coming:
Even that first stage provoked Russian opposition and anger. In her memoir, Madeleine Albright, Clinton’s secretary of state, concedes that “[Russian president Boris] Yeltsin and his countrymen were strongly opposed to enlargement, seeing it as a strategy for exploiting their vulnerability and moving Europe’s dividing line to the east, leaving them isolated.” Source
Per the article, “Vladimir Putin bears primary responsibility for this latest development, but Nato’s arrogant, tone‐deaf policy toward Russia over the past quarter‐century deserves a large share as well.”
Yeah that was my bad, I had just mentioned the memorandum in another thread and got mixed up.
Bottom line is Russia doesn’t get to unilaterally dictate what other countries do. It’s like my neighbor pounding on my door yelling at me to stop having premarital sex because it offends him. He can get bent, and if he kicks in my door to stop me, he’s wrong.
No need to be rude. Your question was not specific. NATO knew that Russia was concerned about NATO expansion, they did it anyway. Many saw this coming:
Per the article, “Vladimir Putin bears primary responsibility for this latest development, but Nato’s arrogant, tone‐deaf policy toward Russia over the past quarter‐century deserves a large share as well.”
Yeah that was my bad, I had just mentioned the memorandum in another thread and got mixed up.
Bottom line is Russia doesn’t get to unilaterally dictate what other countries do. It’s like my neighbor pounding on my door yelling at me to stop having premarital sex because it offends him. He can get bent, and if he kicks in my door to stop me, he’s wrong.