For me, ________ is basically all sports games that have ever been broadcast. Most of them are just locked away somewhere, with literally no legal way for anyone to see them.

  • @EssentialNPC
    411 months ago

    Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea

    It is a French cartoon whose English dub aired on a Nickelodeon in the early '80s. It had everything my young imagination could want in a story - an alien world within our own, strange people and cultures, a mysterious guide, a man overcoming a difficult past, and an ancient cataclysm whose threats echo into the world today.

    It also had the most slapping opening theme I may have ever heard.

    Sorry for the Facebook link, but this is the only active copy of the opening I can find because the corporate takedown game is strong for a 40-year-old cartoon that can only be watched in Australia.