Donald Trump’s discredited election fraud claims are reportedly losing state Republican parties’ key donors.

  • @popemichael
    341 year ago

    Everything Trump touches goes bankrupt

    I’m shocked that the US made it out of his presidency intact.

    • @mriguy
      561 year ago

      You could argue pretty convincingly that it didn’t. We’re in a much worse place than we were, and the damage is far from over.

        • @Chocrates
          31 year ago

          Hitler spent 6 months or something in jail for his treason. Trump hasn’t even been indicted for it yet.

    • admiralteal
      201 year ago

      He was handed the reigns of the pretty stable and steady Obama-era economy and by the time he left the US economy was in fair shambles.

      Which was, of course, significantly caused by a certain global pandemic that he outrageously mismanaged.

      Hard to say what would’ve happened absent COVID. There’s plenty of precedent of the cycle of neoliberal Democrats getting the economy all roasty toasty then losing an election to a Republican who immediately puts out huge tax cuts for the extremely rich that is followed quickly by some kind of financial crash.

      • @YoBuckStopsHere
        291 year ago

        There is an argument that the Trump Administration was the cause of the global pandemic by recklessly dismantling healthcare watch teams in China and not acting to close U.S. borders when the outbreak occurred.

        • charlieb
          1 year ago

          I don’t agree that he caused it, but much like Russian election interference, his choices and actions were nearly indistinguishable from ones a pro-COVID death cult leader would have made.

        • @onionbaggage
          51 year ago

          Cause is a strong word. But certainly exacerbated.