• @money_loo
    11 year ago

    Oh dear. This is a story about lack of government oversight using nepotism and progressive promises to fleece a state of their money and give it to a favored contractor.

    But you saw teslas name and musk is baaaaaaaad, so I guess that’s whataboutism to you because you lack critical thinking skills or some shit.

    I guarantee if the name of the company on the building was literally anything else. People would be mad at the state for embezzling money, and defrauding them with lies.

    ironic you call people muskrats when you’re the first to froth at the mouth at the sight of a dudes company or name, and drop all critical thinking skills.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      LOL. Alrighty. It’s amazing that the second you saw that shithead’s name you had to white knight to his defense. A story about a company lying about promises to gain tax favors is suddenly only about gov’t malfeasance.

      I guarantee that if the name on the company was literally anything else. [sic] People would be mad about the lies and lack of promised follow-thru. See just about any report about how sports stadiums fleece gov’ts with the lack of economic pay off.

      Not ironic that you felt the need to jump to a billionaires defense when the name triggered your reactionary defense response. Great critical thinking skills on display.

      Edit: Blocked. I don’t have time or energy for shitheads on here.

      • @money_loo
        11 year ago

        Bro I was simply having a conversation about my feelings on green energy and the climate, and you jumped to name calling and insults while saying nothing about the topic. If you want to call me more names and then block me, Godspeed to you.

        • @ieatpillowtags
          1 year ago

          No, you weren’t simply doing that, and it’s very obvious what your agenda is here. Take your bad faith arguments elsewhere. You also led with insults in your very first comment, so get off your high horse and stop clutching your pearls when people respond in kind.

          • @money_loo
            1 year ago

            My very first comment was a quote from the article and pointing out the flaws in ignoring government spending and focusing all your faults on one man, wtf?

            Okay, I can see you guys don’t actually care about the planet, green energy, or saving the environment as long as it triggers your hate for ONE PERSON.

            It’s amazing to me that y’all say Elon is a moron single-handedly destroying us, but he’s also super smart what with all the “tricking” entire state governments and what not.

            Fuck Elon Musk and his lies and bullshit, you’re going to have to elaborate on how I’ve been disingenuous when I’ve never strayed from my points about doing things to save the planet, NOT FUCKING ELON MUSK, jfc.

            It’s extremely frustrating to try to talk about green energy now, even while having the hottest day in over 150k years of history, but you’re focused on musk and randomly calling people who defend green energy “muskrats”.

            So if you’re actually here to talk and have a conversation then you’re going to need to elaborate how I’m clutching for pearls on a high horse by caring about the goddamn planet not melting.

            • @ieatpillowtags
              1 year ago

              I’m specifically referring to you calling everyone “useful idiots” in your opening post, and then hypocritically complaining about others resorting to insults.

              YOU are the one who came to a thread about musk looking to pick a fight. It’s extremely obvious you are not looking for a conversation.

              And quit projecting all over me as I haven’t done anything but point out what an ass you are being.

              Take your outrage back to Reddit.

              • @money_loo
                01 year ago

                Bro, useful idiots is a term… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot

                I wasn’t literally calling YOU an idiot, I was describing the act of fighting big oils fight for them without even realizing it. That’s literally what it’s for…

                Oh my god once again, I don’t give a fuck about musk my guy. I swear that dude lives rent free in your heads. Musk is a fucking idiot and I wish he’d just disappear already.

                I came here after reading the article and wanted to share the context of the story that everyone who is stuck hating one person was missing…

                You’re the one that came to this thread about musk looking to pick a fight

                This thread isn’t just about musk though…and pick a fight is a strange way to describe “notice state fraud and mention it to people”

                it’s extremely obvious you’re not looking for a conversation

                ??? Ok, though I agree it does feel like I’m talking to a wall that’s only capable of asking musk focused ramblings.

                take your outrage back to Reddit

                Fucking ironic.

                • @ieatpillowtags
                  1 year ago

                  No shit it’s a term, an insulting one.

                  Musk is in the title of the thread and the title of the linked article so obviously that’s the topic of the discussion.

                  Once again you are talking about him when I have not so again I say stop projecting, and there is irony here but you’ve missed it.