Walter Huang was killed when his Model X slammed into a safety barrier.

  • @pleasejustdie
    2311 months ago

    Tesla insists that Autopilot is safe and only fails when drivers are distracted.

    That can mean one of 2 things:

    1. Autopilot is safe and will drive you anywhere you want to go safely, unless you get distracted, then it goes into “unsafe” mode and attempts to kill the driver. I doubt this is what they are trying to say with that statement, so number 2 is the most likely.

    2. Its double-speak of epic proportions because the statement itself is implying Autopilot isn’t safe since it requires an alert driver to be ready to correct it. Its either “safe” or it isn’t. If its not “safe” without intervention, then its not safe and to claim otherwise is fucking delusional. At least state the truth, the autopilot is prone to mistakes and requires a human to pay attention to ensure the vehicle is being driven safely. The autopilot is most definitely not “safe”.

    • @fidodo
      1511 months ago

      I think what they mean is that it’s safe to recover into manual driving mode, as in it won’t get stuck in auto pilot mode if you need to take over.

      Of course they shouldn’t have called it fucking auto pilot then. They want the marketing but not the responsibility. If it were called something like driver assist it would communicate what it’s supposed to do better.

      • @Anticorp
        411 months ago

        Right. It’s advanced lane follow.