Edit: There’s a lot of people in the comment section who clearly didn’t read the article so let me clarify that no, this is not about Judge Aileen Cannon. Read. The. Damn. Article.

  • @dhork
    11 months ago

    The problem is that we’re approaching politics like sports. We root for our team, and boo the other side relentlessly. Government, though, is not a zero-sum game. We don’t automatically win when the other side loses, and sometimes we all lose.

    The confusion with the Cannon case in this thread is apt, actually. Because we all do the same stuff. We just think we have facts in our side. I’ve openly wondered whether Cannon has a new RV in her driveway, after reading some of her rulings. All the shit that the MAGAs are saying about the other judges, we are saying about Cannon. We can’t both be right.

    This is the real civil war here. It won’t be Sherman carving a path to the sea. But it will be two sides with such different ideas about what is true that “patriots” will take it upon themselves to conduct asymmetrical warfare. i think it will look more like Belfast in the 1970’s than Atlanta in the 1860’s.