(definitely not satire )

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    thats not how it works. allow me to explain in good faith:

    it did with the railworkers i just mentioned. but then some people got conviced by the “but the economy!!” rhetoric and they shut it down without resistance or questioning.

    change are not built by a magical leader who somehow comes to save us its made by us. the leader is just someone at the right place and time to represent us. thats history.

    the real delusion here is being comfy enough to think that choosing between two genocidal maniacs will somehow fix the trainwreck we are hurling towards. by all means, go scribble on a stupid fucking rigged ballot and see for yourself if it does anything to stop trump or something. (spoiler: he already won)

    in the mean time i suggest you go learn how your own political system works, im not gonna waste that time on you anymore.

    • @stanleytweedle
      65 months ago

      lol- okay then. You’ve convinced me you in particular probably shouldn’t vote so I’m happy to take responsibility for choosing who gets to spend your taxes.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      Ok allow me to explain in real terms: 50% of the US thinks Donald Trump is a reasonable leader, and you think that you will somehow convince enough of these people to participate in collective direct action before you will convince them to just not vote for a fucking idiot?

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        if you consider voter turnout, its more like 20-30%ish. in my country, our trump-equivalent had about 25%. you wont convince most of them, and you dont need to.

        you dont need the entirety of the population onboard. in fact you can see the amount of damage this 20-30% was and still is able to do.

        the railroad strikes, what is their percentage of the population? that got them scared already. with results will come more supporters.