• @NewAgeOldPerson
    76 months ago

    CS major. Do not code. Forgot all of it. Ironically ended up back in software tech somehow. Still no coding though.

    • @turmacar
      56 months ago

      CS major. Do not code. Somehow project management. Send help.

      Trying to work back to something more technical but the salary cut seems bleak for my realistic rusty skill level. Will probably have to go for a masters of some kind.

      • @NewAgeOldPerson
        16 months ago

        I never got my master’s degree. Meant to but MBA wouldn’t mean much in my current career. If you want to be more technical, have you looked into solution architecture type thing? Run the width rather than dive the depth.

        I was starting to look into it but a rather lucrative offer into senior management came my way and it was too good to say no to.