Think of it like a dunce cap, but for a car.

  • @Polydextrous
    1 year ago

    Some company is going to profit from it

    And this is the entire point. These are somehow the only terms in which we can have this discussion in the US. “Who are we to stand in the way of a company’s quest for profit?” We are the fucking human beings that the system is supposed to serve. It’s not the other way around.

    We are facing literal climate doom. And here we are finding new ways to put more fucking cars on the road. Nah. Close corporate tax loopholes and make these bloodsucking companies put their money toward the public good for tax breaks. Or how about we close the tax loopholes, crack down on the massive offshoring of wealth in this country, make these companies act in the best interest of the public and say “fuck your profits?” They’ve had it plenty good for plenty long. And here we are, literally dying of heat in a late capitalist hellscape, bending over backwards to excuse any act that seeks profit for megacorps by saying, “well, they’re trying to keep traffic deaths down” (no. They’re trying to corner an emerging market.), and discussing how we can be fair to companies trying to expand profits.

    Fuck this entirely backward-ass, brainwashed thinking.

    • @essteeyou
      11 year ago

      Or maybe we put traffic cones on their cars.