Strength of character. Stength of personality. Willpower. How does it manifest for a woman? Assume that a woman isn’t just a man with different bits.
Strength of character. Stength of personality. Willpower. How does it manifest for a woman? Assume that a woman isn’t just a man with different bits.
IMO. the same things that characterize strength in men. Just. from women.
Honesty, integrity, kindness. Resilience. a wiliness to speak and do what is right… without necessarily being a jackass about it.
If you were thinking of it in opposition to (toxic) masculinity, the guy who “projects strength” and push their way around… who call themselves “alpha”… are just assholes. And usually the weakest, most insecure and down right vindictive people you know. that isn’t strength. (I can threaten their masculinity just by ignoring them. Pretty fucking pathetic.)