He, like all old ass Northeasterners, also eats well done steaks with a side of unseasoned creamed whatever and something potato. It’s like they’re all perpetually on a cruise in 1965 and everything has to be overcooked and taste like shoe or air.
Source: Me. I did catering gigs in the Northeast for a hot minute. There’s obviously great restaurants in the Northeast but old rich people like shit I would feel bad about adding to pig slop.
It’s not just the northeast, but it may be more prevalent there. It’s an old people thing.
These are the people who were raised by moms who learned to cook in a time before widespread refrigeration and during the great depression. They learned to cook the utter dog shit out of everything for safety. So everything was very well done or cream of something that cooked until it fell apart. They made do with the bacteria laden food they could get their hands on. Even the ones that had the money to buy fresh daily worked off of similar recipes as their poorer contemporaries.
I don’t talk much shit about it because I also eat some unwise and less than tasty things from my childhood because it’s comforting.
Edit: I got to thinking about this a little and stand by it. However, I’ll still make fun of Trump for the garbage he eats because he pretends to be some sort of taste maker. You can’t sell steaks while being well known for eating a hockey puck with ketchup.
He, like all old ass Northeasterners, also eats well done steaks with a side of unseasoned creamed whatever and something potato. It’s like they’re all perpetually on a cruise in 1965 and everything has to be overcooked and taste like shoe or air.
Source: Me. I did catering gigs in the Northeast for a hot minute. There’s obviously great restaurants in the Northeast but old rich people like shit I would feel bad about adding to pig slop.
It’s not just the northeast, but it may be more prevalent there. It’s an old people thing.
These are the people who were raised by moms who learned to cook in a time before widespread refrigeration and during the great depression. They learned to cook the utter dog shit out of everything for safety. So everything was very well done or cream of something that cooked until it fell apart. They made do with the bacteria laden food they could get their hands on. Even the ones that had the money to buy fresh daily worked off of similar recipes as their poorer contemporaries.
I don’t talk much shit about it because I also eat some unwise and less than tasty things from my childhood because it’s comforting.
Edit: I got to thinking about this a little and stand by it. However, I’ll still make fun of Trump for the garbage he eats because he pretends to be some sort of taste maker. You can’t sell steaks while being well known for eating a hockey puck with ketchup.