I’ve been using some cheap flash drives for things like installing OSs and the like, but now I’ve picked up a Dell Wyse 3040 system to play with which only has 8gb of storage. So I’m installing the OS onto a flash drive permanently (don’t worry, just for messing with, nothing of value will be lost if/when the drive craps out).

However, the performance of my cheap flash drive is terrible and installing packages & transferring files is so slow. My question is: Would getting a better drive make a meaningful difference here? If so, anyone have some recommendations of drives they like that are fast?

  • WasPentalive
    111 months ago

    I wonder if you can replace the storage element with something bigger. It might be a data drive or an M.2 drive. You could replace either with a bigger device.

    • @nopersonalspaceOP
      111 months ago

      Yeah, sadly it does have a M.2 slot but it’s not SATA or NVMe, but instead SDIO. Someone out there has actually made an adapter that lets you put an sd card into that slot, which is super cool. But probably no better that a flash drive realistically, and much more expensive (you have to get the adapter manufactured)

      • WasPentalive
        111 months ago

        Well, at least it has a USB3 slot - you could put a NVME drive in a USB3 external case and boot that way.