    511 months ago

    I’ve always wondered why that was. My initial thought is that it’s because Microsoft is a five thousand pound gorilla with a history of anticompetitive actions, but Sony’s bs like their rootkit or their proprietary memory cards don’t get nearly as much discussion. Idk, I just want all three console manufacturers to stay healthy because less competition will only make the consumer milking worse.

    • @RightHandOfIkaros
      211 months ago

      Probably most of them have personal attachment to PlayStation or Nintendo. Grew up on the console or something. Its just popular to hate on Xbox, so the lemmings just unquestioningly go along with it I guess. The perfect punching bag, if you will.

      As it is, Nintendo already stopped being competitive. Great move for their business but bad for consumers. Because now consumers that want a home console only have two choices, PlayStation or Xbox. Switch is a handheld with homes as an afterthought.