• @Sanctus
    253 months ago

    Sickening. The main respondent in this article is a 70 year old woman. The fuck are we bleeding the elderly dry for?

      • @Sanctus
        83 months ago

        Its not the same when you’re stuck on social security until you die. There is nothing for them to do.

        • @Fredselfish
          53 months ago

          It’s OK according to my boss your not supposed to live on it. It supposed to be used for your end of life. Fucking boomers not only put themselves in these mess but they fucked the rest of us to the point we won’t even get social security. Something they take from us. We pay in out of every paycheck we have no choice. Yet we will never get the benefits from it.

    • @AA5B
      3 months ago

      I think of a recent thread here on food delivery services and how those prices are insane. I would never use them because of the cost. However they would be key for my elderly, mobility impaired Mom. How the heck is she supposed to afford that (especially since she won’t take help for it)?

      She’s no longer able to do any home maintenance herself but has been on a fixed income for years: how can she afford to hire anyone? In this scenario, my brothers and I kick in time , money, or work whenever we can help

      but I don’t see how elderly in her situation can afford to live otherwise. Each time I do, it really hits me how poorly we treat our elderly. We’re all going to be in that situation some day: do you really think it won’t affect you?