Battling a res that is constantly dropping in PH, and climbing in PPM. Numbers yesterday morning was 3.6ph(wtf) and 5.0ec. Gave some ph up with some tap water to drop EC. This morning was 6.8ph and 9.0ec. So emptying the res, and starting with a new batch.

Last one got me about 2 weeks checking and adjusting ph and EC every morning.

Oddly my tomatoes are doing the opposite, climbing in PH.

  • BizzleM
    111 months ago

    Hopefully you got it figured out, seeing a pH that low would have sent me into a panic

    • @SchmidtGeneticsOP
      111 months ago

      I honestly think it was a PEBKAC error.

      I may have grabbed PH down which is more concentrated which would have dropped the res more, I also didn’t check it at night to see where it leveled out.

      This morning it only changed from 7.1-6.8 and 3.0-4.0, I think the res was turning to be honest as well, started seeing some fruit flies, so hopefully that doesn’t get worse. So gave everything under the canopy a spray and wipe and a good of a clean as I could get. Don’t see any on the trap this AM /fingers crossed.