• @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    Let’s be REALLY clear here:

    Let’s be clear what we are discussing here

    presenting yourself like you actually have any clue at all about space - which Melon Husk clearly has not

    Define “clue”.

    Is it an awareness of space? I think we all have that, Musk included. I’ve had college-level physics classes as well, but I’d never suggest I’m a scientist.

    Is it a facility to manage the creation of a space program, do the technical analysis and direct its operations towards success? Of course he can’t do all that - he writes checks to those that can. He points, and like the poodle he is, expects others to do the dirty work so he can take the credit. SpaceX isolates him from those decisions.

    Serious bub - waving the Elon flag in this day and age; it’s not a good look. Sycophants are a dime a dozen these days, and you don’t want to join that club.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Omg your lack of awareness is amazing. That’s not even my quote.

      Look I get it you irrationally hate Musk to the point that you see him as a caricature that can do no good whatsoever. He’s a stupid Disney villain to you I get that.

      I also understand that you are just fighting against your own ignorance here and trying to “win” for whatever reason, and your points are doing more convoluted and irrational I guess just to prove to yourself Musk really is as stupid and and evil as you make him out to be.

      The man is CEO of the most impressive rocket company in the world. I have provided video links of him showing knowledge of his company, he obviously spends a lot of time with the company directly. Seeing as this is about space, by the most impressive rocket company, from the knowledgeable CEO. That’s relevant for people that care about space.

      If you want to circlejerk your Musk hatred and live in fantasy land go ahead. But here in the real world what Musk says about space absolutely has an impact on at least the short term future of space travel.

      You mistake my rationality of being able to see Musk has some influence on space (which he absolutely does) as love for him. Your hatred is muddying your vision.

      Let me leave you with this rhetorical question. Do you think your fantasy land you live in where you just look to prove your flat earth reality is good for you?

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Go home, Elon. Your ketamine is wearing off.

        (Hyuk, hyuk…”flat earth”. Some people will throw whatever they think works when they’re emotional…)