When you sort by new, it seems like the majority of posts are news articles.

Is lemmy just free advertising for these lying, biased, narrative warping bastards?

Most of the post are from either left or right outlets, I haven’t seen many “center”, not that that truly exists…

I mean, how many of these outlets have continued to lie to our faces after we have proven them to do so, and yet we still let them get posted here?

  • @I_Fart_Glitter
    411 months ago

    Set your default to “subscribed” instead of “local” or “all” and you won’t see things you don’t want to see. For me it’s sports, gaming, linux and anime. I block communities based on those all the time, but if I go to “all” they’re still going to be there, new ones pop up all the time. You just have to put some work in to your subscribed list to curate your experience.