Yesterday, Brian Dorsey was executed for a crime he committed in 2006. By all accounts, during his time in prison, he became remorseful for his actions and was a “model prisoner,” to the point that multiple corrections officers backed his petition for clemency.

In general, the media is painting him as the victim of a justice system that fails to recognize rehabilitation. I find this idea disgusting. Brian Dorsey, in a drug-induced stupor, murdered the people who gave him shelter. He brutally ended the life of a woman and her husband, and (allegedly) sexually assaulted her corpse. There is an argument that he had ineffective legal representation, but that doesn’t negate the fact that he is guilty.

While I do believe that he could have been released or had his sentence converted to life in prison, and he could have potentially been a model citizen, this would have been a perversion of justice. Actions that someone takes after committing a barbaric act do not undo the damage that was done. Those two individuals are still dead, and he needed to face the ramifications for his actions.

Rehabilitation should not be an option for someone who committed crimes as depraved as he did. Quite frankly, a lethal injection was far less than what he deserved, given the horror he inflicted on others. If the punishment should fit the crime, then he was given far more leniency than was warranted.

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    112 months ago

    If you murder a murderer you’re not reducing the amount of murderers.

    But last time I talked to you you were advocating the poisoning of a puppy so at least you are consistent.

    • @[email protected]
      112 months ago

      If you murder a murderer you’re not reducing the amount of murderers.

      If you kill two or more you are.

    • @corrodedOP
      02 months ago

      An executioner is not a murderer if the condemned is guilty.

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        122 months ago

        Just because the murder is state-sanctioned does not mean it’s not a murder.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            62 months ago

            Do you believe any and all state-sanctioned murders are justified and legal?

            • PP_BOY_
              -42 months ago

              all state-sanctioned murders

              No such thing.

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                72 months ago

                Sorry to invoke Godwin’s law here, but are you telling me that during the Holocaust that the Jewish people weren’t murdered?

                Are you telling me Ukraine and Palestine civilians aren’t being killed?

                • PP_BOY_
                  -32 months ago

                  Depends. There were plenty of interpersonal killings of Jews during the early stages of the Holocaust that would easily count as murder. The state-sanctioned death camps were not murders, even if it’s also true that murders took place within the camps.

                  Are you telling me Ukraine and Palestine civilians aren’t being killed?

                  Of course not. Being killed is not being murdered. There are Ukrainians and Palestinians being both killed and murdered right now, but no western understanding of the word “murder” can accurately be applied to an active war front.

                  • muse
                    52 months ago

                    Holocaust denying hypocrite. Got it.

    • PP_BOY_
      -82 months ago

      Who said anything about murdering him? The state cannot commit murder. There’s an argument to be made that Dorsey did not deserve the death penalty (I don’t think he did), but this is a dangerously reductive view.

      But last time I talked to you you were misconstrueing my argument about society’s responsibility to preserve its safety, so I suppose you are too.

        • PP_BOY_
          -42 months ago

          My guy if you want to hash it out in that thread again, go there, but to recap:

          An untrained, unfenced pit bull is a massive threat to both safety and property. The OP of that thread expressed legitimate concerns w/r/t both and was looking for advice on how to stop it. I gave two options, with emphasis that the most harm-reductive one be taken first. What exactly was your advice, again? That the OP spend several thousand dollars reinforcing their yard’s fencing to keep their neighbor’s pit out?

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            22 months ago

            I gave you the advise to seek therapy if you think poisoning a puppy is the answer to any problem.

      • muse
        72 months ago

        Damn, Satansmaggotycumfart had receipts and everything. Guess you’re just a hypocritical piece of shit.

        • PP_BOY_
          -32 months ago

          How am I hypocritical?

      • FaceDeer
        22 months ago

        The state cannot commit murder.

        That’s a really bad line of reasoning.

        • PP_BOY_
          -22 months ago

          How? Murder is interpersonal, premeditated manslaughter. There’s no interpersonal relationship between the state and an hypothetical victim. The state can kill unjustly (which I believe applies to Dorsey), but it cannot be guilty of murder.