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Well it wasn’t just Trump loyalists; it was 19 Republicans in the Freedom Caucus (who are indeed Trump loyalists) and almost all the Democrats voting agains bringing the current bill to the floor. Now what?

“Congressional sources tell WIRED they have no idea what the next steps will be.”


  • @neatchee
    711 months ago

    “Cool story. Still murder.” I have really serious problems with how FISA has been used in the past. I usually could go either way on authorizing state surveillance but it has been abused too much for me to be comfortable keeping it around in its current form

    As far as trump is concerned, even a broken clock is right twice a day

    • mozz
      11 months ago

      Yeah. And it could be both – it could be both a useful tool for law enforcement to wiretap foreign adversaries that are trying to elect Trump or do something similarly awful, and also a convenient loophole if they want to track protest organizations where one of the members sometimes calls his brother who lives in France or whatever. Russia/Trump would only care about the first, and someone who’s chiefly concerned about civil liberties in the US would only really care (or even be aware of, by definition) about the second.