• @AWistfulNihilist
    03 months ago

    Did you just slippery slope into slavery because you were losing an argument? Did you just call me a conservative as a perjorative cause you don’t like my opinion? That’s crazy.

    Lemmy is the only place I can get called a liberal as fuck by a tankie and conservative by a culture warrior.

    Listen if you don’t have many friends who game, that doesn’t surprise me.

    Again, I like games, unless the studio is mistreating employees, I don’t fucking care! I’m sorry, that’s where I draw the line. Fuck Blizzard, fuck ubi soft, I don’t care whatever culture war garbage you want to engage in, it doesn’t effect me

    • @TrickDacy
      3 months ago
      • There’s clearly a lot in the world you don’t understand. I guess 23 year olds maybe aren’t the smartest people after all
      • “Conservative” isn’t a perjorative unless you know what one is, so you’re good
      • It’s almost comical that “voting with your wallet” is considered to be cUlTuRe WaR GaRbAgE by you and then you want to be taken seriously on a platform made by and for political idealists
      • @AWistfulNihilist
        3 months ago

        No, but calling people a transphobe because they don’t vote with their wallet is literally crazy. A person purchasing a Harry Potter product is as much a transphobe as a person who purchases any item manufacturered in India, Vietnam, or China is laboring children.

        Tangentially yes, but not in any meaningful way. It’s just so important to you that people are willing to lie to you about it because it’s so not important to them.

        If political idealism is driving you, don’t be surprised when the other sides’ political idealism drives things in a different direction, see what I’m saying?

        Also, dope formatting, the bullet points are killing it 🤣

        • @TrickDacy
          -33 months ago

          calling people a transphobe because they don’t vote with their wallet is literally crazy

          Not really, it’s just trying to advocate against supporting a loud voice against trans people. Nothing complicated or weird about it and I’ve no idea how you’re relating this to slave labor…? It’s fair to say that people who knowingly buy products made by slave labor are shitty too, assuming they have another option. Of course, clothing is obviously very different from a forgettable video game you’re so caught up in defending, for some reason.

          It’s just so important to you that people are willing to lie to you about it because it’s so not important to them.

          … no one needs to “lie to me” about this. It’s doubtful I’d ever need or care to talk about this issue again. It’s pretty fuckin cut and dried.

          don’t be surprised when the other sides’ political idealism drives things in a different direction

          …and apparently I’m surprised now?

          • @AWistfulNihilist
            3 months ago

            No, we seem to agree on all points! This was a great conversation, really enjoyed it!

      • @Malfeasant
        23 months ago

        “voting with your wallet”

        Emphasis added. You do you. Nobody is obliged to agree with you.

        • @TrickDacy
          03 months ago

          No one is obliged to care about this comment