Hi all!

So, I’m assuming everyone has seen links like https://beehaw.org/c/news and clicked through to find it doesn’t work right because it’s a different site (I’m assuming a different instance here).

Well, I just stumbled across an interesting feature: if you enter a link in the following format, it works for everyone regardless of instance of origin:

[News](/c/[email protected])


[My User](/u/[email protected])

My User

You’re welcome!

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    Ok so linking communities and usernames works reliably for me on the web this way:

    News - [News](/c/news@beehaw.org)
    PriorProject - [PriorProject](/u/PriorProject@lemmy.world)

    But how do I universally link a post or comment? The comment ids are different across instances! This comment by @[email protected] for example has a canonical URL (colored pentagram icon):


    And the link to it on my instance (chainlink icon):


    None of these work:

    comment - [comment](/comment/18453@lemmy.world) - 404
    comment - [comment](/comment/18453) - wrong comment for me comment - [comment](/comment/240478) - works for me but not you
    comment - [comment](https://lemmy.world/comment/18453) - works but cannot reply since not logged in

    • @PriorProject
      2 years ago

      PriorProject - PriorProject


      I have nothing to add, I’ve just been summoned. It’s confusing, though. I’m not sure anything works consistently in a way that anyone wants across apps and web-ui right now. If people decide on a best-practice, I’d like to read about it in docs or a sticky post. The official docs that show post/comment syntax are silent on referencing communities and mentioning users. This could be an opportunity for a first PR to improve them if someone figures out the best practice.