I’ve been an avid Telegram user for quite some time now and I’ve noticed something interesting lately. Whatsapp, which has historically lagged behind Telegram in terms of features, seems to be rolling out new updates at a faster pace. It almost feels like they hired a developer from Telegram.

It’s hard to ignore some of the recent additions to Whatsapp that Telegram has had for ages. Examples are

- Multiple device support: Not quite the way it's implemented in TG but close.

- Channels

- Block calls from non-contacts

While it’s possible that WA dev team has stepped up their game and Meta(Facebook) is known for blatantly copying features, I can’t help but wonder if there’s something more going on behind the scenes.

  • @hbrgnarius
    81 year ago

    Why are you giving away TG corporate secrets?

    • Psaldorn
      21 year ago

      Can’t stop the signal.

      Unless it’s from an unrecognised number, I guess.