Is “no cap” next? I’m like way old.

  • @JayObey711
    110 months ago

    Pog has been around for years. But up until recent it has been pretty exclusive to streaming and esports. So I amagine it’s easy to miss if you are not in that bubble. pwn is the only one on the list I’ve never heard before.

    • @Ilovemyirishtemper
      510 months ago

      It was my understanding that pwn mean you are “owning” them in like a winning way. Like instead of Saying “I just owned you” when you win at something, you say “I just pwned you.”

      Am I way off? Does it have a new meaning? I’m so far out of the loop these days.

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        It’s an intentional misspelling of “own”. The letter p is next to o on the keyboard. I think it was meant to mimic the frantic typing of a sweaty competitive trash talker.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        That’s my understanding too. And because people kind of like the sound of it, they might use it slightly more broadly than that - but not as broadly as ‘rad’ or ‘sick’ or even ‘pog’. I was there for the rise and demise of ‘pwn’, and it definitely was never as widespread as pog is now.