Finished Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs. The last few bosses were pretty time taking, they had huge amount of health and took waaaaaaay too long to beat.

Other than that, the game was fun. Looking forward to next game from the devs, SacriFire a 2D-HD-ish JRPG inspired RPG. No release date yet though.

Started Cat Quest II. I loved the first Cat Quest, which I played ages ago, and with the 3rd one coming out this year, I think it’s time to clear it. This can be played co-op too, but I am playing solo, which is still as fun as the first one.

What about all of you? What have you been playing?

  • dinckel
    43 months ago

    I’m still slowly getting through Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Phenomenal game. Enjoying some Gungeon on the side too

    • @slimerancherOPM
      13 months ago

      Oooh! Its my favourite, still haven’t played the DLC though.

      Enter the Gungeon or the sequel? Forgot the name.

      • dinckel
        33 months ago

        Enter The Gungeon, yeah