I have watched a lot of the studio Ghibli stuff but not sure what series to start on, looking for recommendations

  • @ashok36
    92 months ago

    The problem with recommending opm as a starter is that it parodies a bunch of shows and Manga that OP probably won’t have the references for. I would worry that OP might miss most if not all of the jokes without the context.

    • @slampisko
      32 months ago

      I’ve been wanting to get into OPM myself. What would you recommend to watch first to understand at least 80 % of the references?

        • @[email protected]
          02 months ago

          They don’t “need” to know the stuff they are parodying, true, but it’s a lot less funny without that frame of reference. It’s like listening to a Wierd Al song without knowledge of the original.

          • @[email protected]
            22 months ago

            Oh no, he might not understand that Saitama’s shirt says boobs? How will he ever enjoy the show?? I watched OPM as one of my first anime, got almost no references and its one of my favorite anime of all time.

                • @[email protected]
                  12 months ago

                  No one disagrees. Our point was that someone enjoys a parody more when they have a frame of reference of what is parodied. I mean it’s the whole point of a parody. One can enjoy OPM but if the same person had seen 500 battle shounen up to the point where they’re fed up with the same tropes, OPM is just a million times funnier than when that is just first anime.

                  I don’t want to shit on your favorite show here, but it’s just common sense that a parody is better if you know what is parodied.