[Image description: paper cutouts hung on a fridge, including hands in various gestures, hats, and a man’s face with a word bubble “Only you can prevent people from drinking 3 gallons of water daily from a groundwater monitoring well above MCLs to change their chances of getting cancer to greater than one in a million!!”]

  • @totallynotarobot
    22 years ago

    Ha! Love this.

    I’m picturing someone sneaking into a ground monitoring well and running an illicit hose to their off the grid home, but it’s yogi bear like he’s stealing a pic-a-nic basket.

    • thrawnOP
      22 years ago

      Hah! I shall confess I’ve squirreled away the knowledge of the locations of the rare really clean wells I’ve seen. When the zombie apocalypse comes, I know where to get the good stuff 😜