US space agency Nasa confirmed that an object that crashed into a home in Florida earlier this month was part of the International Space Station (ISS).

The metal object was jettisoned from the orbiting outpost in March 2021, Nasa said on Monday after analysing the sample at the Kennedy Space Center.

The 1.6lb (0.7kg) metal object tore through two layers of ceiling after re-entering Earth’s atmosphere.

Homeowner Alejandro Otero said his son was nearly injured by the impact.

Nasa said the object was part of some 5,800lbs of hardware that was dumped by the station after it had new lithium-ion batteries installed.

  • AFK BRB Chocolate
    156 months ago

    Not exactly part of the ISS - it was part of a pallet that they loaded the old batteries on before deorbiting them, not part of the batteries themselves. Not that that makes a difference to the homeowner.