• @gastationsushi
    5 months ago

    You lost the plot, telling voters they can’t criticize a president while you sanctimoniously claim you are saving democracy. You really don’t see the problem with that?

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Show me where I said they can’t criticize him and we can continue this discussion- otherwise, we’re done here.

      Because I think I’ve been very clear that I’m talking about the idiot that are acting like spoiled little children by not voting at all and suggesting others don’t as well.

      • @gastationsushi
        -15 months ago

        how about you stay out of a discussion with people who believe their votes DO matter?

        You just told me I can’t criticize. Also the Electoral College absolutely disenfranchises most voters, I can’t believe I’m arguing with a fellow Biden voter that it doesn’t.

        Continue blaming voters for Biden lackluster re-election campaign. If he continues this and loses, I’m sure the history books will give Joe a pass and blame all those voters he’s failing to enthuse.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          Right, and you just told me you’re not a voter, as in- YOU’RE NOT A VOTER IF YOU DON’T VOTE.

          …also- I’m not blaming voters. I’m blaming idiots that suggest people NOT vote.

          You lost the plot…. Try and pay attention.

          • @gastationsushi
            05 months ago

            Why would I tell you I don’t vote? I’ve voted in over 25 elections in the last 8 years, nearly every election I qualify for.

            I encourage people to vote all the time. I’m just pointing out some Biden voters are going to leave the presidential race blank in 2024 because Biden supports genocide. And that’s Biden own damn fault.