Donald Trump doesn’t easily forgive or forget.

As Trump’s Republican allies in the United States Congress block military aid that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says Kyiv desperately needs to avoid defeat in its war with invading Russian forces, it’s clear the former U.S. president’s ill will toward Ukraine has deep roots.

It was, after all, a phone call with Zelenskyy that led to Trump’s first impeachment in December 2019, after he was accused of seeking to influence the 2020 election by leaning on the Ukrainian leader to investigate current President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

  • @BillDaCatt
    8211 months ago

    Unfortunately, this knuckle-dragger is not capable of admitting, perhaps even understanding, that he brought all of this on himself. Everything bad that happens to him is someone else’s fault. Everything good that happens was his idea.

    • @[email protected]
      1911 months ago

      Yes, these are the textbook symptoms of a textbook narcissist. Incapable of empathy. Basically an unfillable hole that will pull in and destroy anyone around them.

        • @[email protected]
          1711 months ago

          I don’t know how you concluded that I was using “narcissist” as an insult, because I wasn’t.

          From the linked article, written 7 years ago, only a handful of months into his presidency when there was still a swell of mental health professionals maintaining that they should remain impartial:

          Trump is an undisputed poster boy for narcissism. He demonstrates in pure form every single symptom described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM) criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, which I wrote in 1978. But lots of successful people are extremely narcissistic without being mentally ill — think most celebrities, many politicians, and a fair percentage of writers, artists, lawyers, doctors, and professors. To qualify for narcissistic personality disorder, an individual’s selfish, unempathetic preening must be accompanied by significant distress or impairment. Trump certainly causes severe distress and impairment in others, but his narcissism doesn’t seem to affect him that way.

          In the 7 years since this article was written we’ve had plenty of people testify under oath about his severe distress and impairment, if that’s the criteria that was unmet at that point in time.

            • @[email protected]
              1311 months ago

              It’s interesting that you keep putting words in my mouth and moving the goalpost back to where it actually started in this thread. I did not say “According to the DSM”, nor did I say anything about NPD or “cluster B”. I said he’s a textbook narcissist, which is true in layman’s terms.

              You’re characterizing things as “slurs” and “weaponizing”, which is a textbook disinformation and confusion tactic, so good day to you doctor.

              • @dogslayeggs
                811 months ago

                The funny thing is you didn’t even say THAT. You said these are “textbook symptoms of a textbook narcissist.” You didn’t even say he was one, just that he displays symptoms of one.

    • @[email protected]
      1111 months ago

      Can’t blame him for thinking there’s no consequences for doing crimes because he’s been getting away with that for 70 years with very little consequence. It’s really an indictment of the justice system that he (and thousands of guys like him) have been getting away with shit for so long.

    • Jessica
      611 months ago

      He is Eric Cartman, but like one that is on uppers AND downers

      • neoman4426
        611 months ago

        To be fair to Cartman, he’s been shown to have the capacity to grow into a decent person under the right circumstances. Trump on the other hand will almost certainly always be Trump no matter the timeline

        • @OccamsTeapot
          11 months ago

          To be fair to Cartman, he’s been shown to have the capacity to grow into a decent person under the right circumstances.

          Such as? The only times I can think of was when Cesar Milan “trained” him and he was ultimately only behaving to continue to manipulate his mum in future, and when they convinced him he was dead, where it was like 90% him responding to the lack of attention.

          The covid one when they’re adults maybe? Can’t remember if he was lying/had an ulterior motive by the end of the episode

          • neoman4426
            611 months ago

            Rabbi Cartman is the biggest example yeah. He does revert to his old ways somewhat, but only when he finds out the other guys are planning to essentially murder his family and everyone else in their timeline. Granted they plan to do that so their alternate universe clones can live in a world less devastated by the pandemic, and he does eventually agree to sacrifice them for a small chance of gaining them again but a large chance of a better world (possibly for his clone to be tormented by echoes of memories, the alternate Stan seems to subconsciously remember that Shelly died in the original timeline).

            We didn’t see much of him but the Cartman who ran an actual time travel company in the episode about the fake one seemed a decent dude, but made the mistake of talking to his younger self who hadn’t had the growth yet so he decides to spite himself to make sure he never comes to be