(template stolen from Crow Time comic)

    • @Buddahriffic
      181 month ago

      Just purchased it from the bargain bin at Walmart two days ago! It’s got state if the art features like 32-bit color (HDR is only 10-bit, so this is advanced!), 8 gigabytes, and it even comes with a built in PlayStation 2!

    • ZarosOP
      101 month ago

      Why, it was just yesterday when I… oh, come to think of it, that was nearly a decade ago. Huh.

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        It’s okay, we’re in this together. Though, my rig runs just about everything at medium graphics without issue. Elden ring ran on high settings without dropping my frames to a noticeable level.

      • @Pencilnoob
        21 month ago

        Absolutely meirl. I keep making frame rate drops on games, but my CPU is … Checks date… top of the line 2012 tech!

    • @ZeDoTelhado
      71 month ago

      Not sure how new, but has a turbo button. That should be good for something, right?