I am a Palestinian American in Pennsylvania, a contested state. I plan to write in “uncommitted” in the Democratic primary on 23 April and in November, I will vote for a third-party candidate.

For many, myself included, a vote for Biden is simply impermissible – the extent of the moral calamity is so great as to render a vote for Biden a vote for complicity.

As the president of the Center City mosque in Philadelphia, Mohammed Shariff, said to me: “My vote is the purest form of expression and speech.” President Biden ignores our voices at his own peril, and ours.

  • @Son_of_dad
    011 months ago

    The people shooting rockets and raping people on October 7, educate yourself

    • PorradaVFR
      011 months ago

      No dumb ass, I quite clearly noted I’ve not seen anyone advocating for them as suggested, outside of extremists. Even he usual suspects seem disinclined to support them after the attacks - even Iran held back until conditions in Gaza went so badly and even then until attacked and they’re usually itching for an excuse.

      • @Son_of_dad
        111 months ago

        Funny how this Gaza thing has been going on for literally decades. But you never gave a shit until the news and social media told you to. You’re just a fake activist, and you’ll move on to the next outrage in no time, just like you guys moved on from Ukraine already. And you’re not even an activist cause I doubt you get off your ass and do anything for Palestine besides bitch online.

        I still remember after 9/11 you guys wanted every Arab and Muslim dead, and wanted Palestine wiped out, and suddenly you guys change your mind and we’re supposed to believe your moral grandstanding is genuine lol

        • PorradaVFR
          111 months ago

          You have no idea about….everything apparently. But ooh you’re mad and judge mental. That’ll surely foster a dialogue and progress.

          Job well done, you solved it.