Tesla board calls June 13 shareholder vote on Musk’s pay and move to Texas.

  • slazer2au
    5 months ago

    From another article I read said ~70% approved the package in 2018 before it was ruled excessive by a judge. I don’t see why that would change too much seeing as the stock is up by 600% since the vote. But Tesla loosing 40% of the value so far this year may make them think.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      thanks, that’s some useful context.

      However in my mind the stock price going up 600% since the last vote, and thus Elon “deserving” those $56B actually should have no relevance today.

      It would matter if it were a charity, but as owner of a capitalist corporation that line of thinking shouldn’t matter. I’m sure there are plenty of people working at telsa that would “deserve” more pay, but they get as little as possible to keep them around. Why treat the CEO differently in that regard?

      So the only 3 questions imo would be:

      • Is Elon’s future involvement from this point on worth just paying him these $56B ( - whatever you’d have to pay him under a new compensation package)? And i have a hard time seeing how he would add this amount of value, since we are talking about a sum larger than the market cap of Ford or GM. Also compared to 2018 Elons “brand value” has gone way way down.

      • How much damage can making Elon upset do to the company? Actually a risk worth calculating imo. The rational person in me would like to think that as a shareholder himself Elon wouldn’t do anything that lowers the stock price (especially since i think he used it as collateral for his twitter purchase), but with him i wouldn’t rule anything out. That said, if we go down that line of thinking, then we need to assign him no value in question 1.

      • How high are the chances that we spend a ton of money fighting to not pay $56B and then have to pay anyways, having wasted a lot of time, additional money and goodwil? Considering a judge just ruled it excessive, i’d take my chances on that one.

      • slazer2au
        25 months ago

        I have a quick read of the executive compensation in the latest filings and according to the independent board members who make up the compensation committee Tecoking of Tesla and CEO ( no seriously that is his title in the listing) has achieved all the Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA milestones for the 2018 package and should be awarded the 303 million shares at $23 a share.

        He also does the executive bullshit thing of not drawing a regular salary from the company so his only pay is stocks.

        I agree that there are other staff who are far more deserving of those stock options

      • TWeaK
        15 months ago

        Elon likely doesn’t care too much about his Tesla stock, much of that was used in the Twitter purchase - and Twitter is going to die because the purchase saddled it with $13bn of debt, with the company being worth less than that now.