Personally I think not having karma limits is nice currently! I understand why they were used but grinding karma as a lurker on reddit was frustrating.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Here is a surprise for you: HRT actually does things to your body. I don’t think this should have been that hard to find on your own, but I can’t judge your circumstances.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Transphobes always make the same tired arguments about “biological differences between men and women” and then scream and run away when you bring up actual science, because they don’t care about the science. They care about being bigots, and using science to make their bigotry look legitimate.

    • oldindianmonk
      21 year ago

      Mitochondria is the powerhouse of cell. I don’t think this should have been that hard to find on your own, but I can’t judge your circumstances. (You see, I can respond to things you did not ask as well!)

      Consider two 5’6" 65kg athletes, one man and one woman, are you saying that the man doesn’t have an advantage?

      How is your comment a response to my question? I was replying to your comment of

      abolish[ing] gender based separation altogether and replac[ing] it with something more like weight categories.

      which practically means stopping women from participating in sports