And did you suddenly feel the need to buy a motorcycle ?


    • lemmyreaderOP
      39 months ago

      Yes. Proton and New York Times have rather comfortable reCAPTCHA nowadays. And Cloudflare migrated to hCAPTCHA. The problem that I came across is Google reCAPTCHA for some sites that apparently have it not configured correctly or too strict. I’ve been on sites where I have to solve one Google reCAPTCHA and you’re through, each and every time. For certain sites (Like narkive mailing list archives) it appears to be impossible to get through as Tor browser user.

    • Neshura
      19 months ago

      Nope, it’ll just get worse and worse as LLMs start getting compact enough to get sicced on that Bot blocker. I think eventually the whole system will invert with captchas only proving you are human if you fail them.