An Israeli missile has hit Iran, two US officials have told the BBC’s US partner CBS News.

Iranian state media is reporting that flights have been suspended over several cities, according to Associated Press.

Iran has been on high alert after Israel said it would respond to an Iranian attack against it on Saturday night

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    not a race. fuck that racist bullshit.

    if they already left; vet their shit, make sure they’re not still affiliated, and sure. dont hold the shit hole they were born in against them. but starting now, when they’re just afraid? nah. main lesson from world war 2 was we didn’t kill enough Nazis.

    • @[email protected]
      2411 months ago

      However you want to group or define Isreali citizens you are making a too broad generalization.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        I don’t really care? they have been unwilling to stop for longer than I have been alive. they’ve been offered the moon,and turned it down, because they prefer genocide. they haven’t stopped. they haven’t had substantial internal strife or attempted revolutions or internal assassinations of particularly warmongery leaders.

        their soldiers literally sing while they do atrocities, their prime minister says it, their citizens say it, their children say it.

        Not a single joule of energy should be wasted attempting to preserve “Israeli” life. not ever. to do otherwise would be an insult to their victims. stopping this genocide and world war three must come first.

        I dunno, maybe you think 1 genocidal pedophile life is worth global thermonuclear war. I guess agree to disagree?

        • @feedum_sneedson
          1911 months ago

          So you’re saying we need a Final Solution to this Jewish Problem?

          • @machinin
            811 months ago

            Call it the the genocidal problem. The issues isn’t with Jews in general, just people who are carrying out and supporting the genocide. I would lump Biden in with them as well.

          • @[email protected]
            011 months ago

            not a Jewish problem. a Nazi problem. nothing makes Hezbollah look good quite like hebarrah does.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            you saying theres a way to stop world war 3 without glassing that shit hole?

            and stop saying Israelis are Jews. they’re not. they once rationalized an internal purge by saying ‘if you kill other Jews for political reasons, youre out’ to kill other Jews for political reasons, then did the whole white supremacist sterilizing of Ethiopian Jews. they are not. they do not count. and even if they did, Jewish communities ive spoken to feel, at best, mildly embarrassed by them.

    • @ElmerFudd
      1211 months ago

      The Germans during WWII actually were referring to nationality when talking about race, so that one slides believe it or not.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        its so much dumber than that. it kind of comes down to mystical bullshit and oh hey, that’s in this one too

        but theres this kapo trash tendency to draw equivalency with all Jewish people in the world and smear their crimes onto the innocent

    • @[email protected]
      811 months ago

      Jews are an ethnic group, culture, and religion, but not a race. It’s a common enough misconception spread via the media. Also any given Jew is not necessarily all three.

      The lesson from World War II is that war can only delay the spread of an idea, but not destroy it. Ideas have to be fought with other ideas. Killing Nazis only bought us time to think of better ideas, spread them, and deradicalize people. Thanks to conservative propaganda networks and social media, we’re on the verge of a fascist takeover. We are in an information race against fascists. The fascists are turning the US into a christofascist dictatorship, by controlling the narrative and driving the news cycle, not by killing anyone. We have to beat them in this race to stop them.

        • @june
          311 months ago

          I’d be willing to bet you could find one or two Israelies (Israelites?) that hate Israel too.

          • @John_McMurray
            211 months ago

            Israeli is modern inhabitants, Israelites are the ones from the old testament

            • @june
              111 months ago

              Got it. Thanks!

              I realized when typing I wasn’t sure

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          Israeli is not the same thing as Jewish.

          Yes, I am Jewish, but not Israeli. I assumed most people referring to Israelis as a race are referring to Jews a race. It seems weird to confuse nationality with race in the 21st century.

          Many Jewish people hate Israel.

          I don’t hate Israel, because hating Israel is more taxing to me than it is to Israel. I think Israel is an apartheid state that’s committing genocide and war crimes in Gaza, Zionism is a fascist ideology, the current Israeli government is dominated by fascists, and that the concept that we need a Jewish ethnostate in order to be safe is ridiculous. Israel needs to change radically and it needs to change as soon as possible.

      • Flying Squid
        1111 months ago

        “Race” has no biological definition. Star Wars fans can be a race if you want them to.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          Typically when people are saying Jews are a race, they referring to the idea that Jews are not White, as in they cannot be White. Jews can be White, but they can also be Black, Native American or Hispanic. Jews are not in a racial category that excludes them from being part of these groups. That’s what I was referring to when I wrote race.

          That’s not really the main point, I was agreeing with the person I responding to and adding some clarification. It seemed to have distracted from the issue at hand.

          Killing people isn’t how we stop the spread of fascism in the modern day. We need to spread information, for example, that fascism is a self-destructive ideology that will destroy hundreds of millions of lives and that the Republican Party is controlled by fascists. I think most people know that on lemmy, but there are plenty of people who will check into politics in the months leading up to the election and form their opinions then. A misconception I see on lemmy is that some people assume we can defeat fascism with guns alone. That isn’t going to cut it. We have to reach more people with true information before fascists reach them with misinformation. Once a person forms an opinion they are unlikely to discard that opinion when presented with new information in the short term. That short term can easily last until the election, so these months leading up to the election are crucial. edit: capitalization

        • @John_McMurray
          11 months ago

          Why not pretend breeds of horses don’t exist while you’re at it?

          • Flying Squid
            211 months ago

            Breeds are used to refer to domestic animals where artificial selection was used to exemplify specific traits.

            Are you saying that the traits of different “races” were artificially selected for? Who was doing the selecting?

            • @John_McMurray
              -111 months ago

              Your definition of breed is poor and self serving

              • Flying Squid
                211 months ago

                But please, do tell me the real definition.

                (Note that it says there’s no scientific definition of breed either.)

                • @John_McMurray
                  -211 months ago

                  Hey genius, what you posted contradicts what you are saying.

                  • Flying Squid
                    311 months ago

                    I’m not sure how you think it contradicts what I’m saying, but I’m waiting for your scientific definition of breed, please.

          • Flying Squid
            811 months ago

            By Alan Templeton.

            According to Templeton’s research, perceived differences in races are more related to cultural perceptions and biases than any underlying genetic reality.[5] For example, Templeton’s statistical analysis of the human genome shows that much greater genetic diversity exists between populations of chimpanzees than humans from different parts of the world.[3]


            Do you think maybe you’re misunderstanding him?

            • @RaoulDook
              -511 months ago

              It think it’s debatable about how you define Races, but it’s also quite obvious that biological races exist. There are specific differences in the physical biology that separate the races, and common traits among them that identify them as part of the group. Skin color, hair type, bone structure, genetic predisposition to certain diseases, etc. Physical traits are passed from the parents to the children, and when the parents are of different races we get blending of the characteristics and so on. Some Native Americans even have different kinds of teeth than European-Caucasian descended folks do.

              Basically it’s not something you can choose or change, it’s an immutable biological set of characteristics. I don’t know what “race” the Jews in Israel are exactly but I suspect it depends a lot on the region their ancestors are from. Many of them might even be the same “race” as Palestinians.

              • Flying Squid
                711 months ago

                What’s the race here, African or Melanesian? And if it’s the same race, why are they so separated geographically?

                • @RaoulDook
                  -511 months ago

                  I don’t know, just some mixture of African and Mongolian would be my guess. It would be more appropriate to ask the people in that picture IMO.

              • LustyArgonian
                11 months ago

                No, and you fundamentally misunderstand biology, genetics, and race.

                In essence, per Robert Saplosky, race is a cultural construct, not a genetic or biological one. He has his entire Stanford lecture on human behavior including human genetics on YouTube. He also has several books explaining this. Here’s a link to a summary video:

                Just because you can reactively type people into races, doesn’t make race a real biological phenomenon. There are plenty of races that look like others, plenty of admixture that ruins your theories. Sickle cell anemia can exist in white people (people who appear to look white) who have black ancestry, but you wouldn’t know they have either sickle cell or black ancestry from looking at them. Because race ISNT genetics. There are people within the same family who are different races, one who is lighter and one who is darker, etc. And melanin production is only one small component of the cultural cues we see as someone’s race.

                Again, it’s not biological and no real scientist would think that.

          • @voracitude
            711 months ago

            From your source:

            Humans have much genetic diversity, but the vast majority of this diversity reflects individual uniqueness and not race.


            The question of the existence of human “races” now becomes the question of the existence of human subspecies.

            … One definition regards races as geographically circumscribed populations within a species that have sharp boundaries that separate them from the remainder of the species (Smith, Chiszar, & Montanucci, 1997).

            … A second definition defines races as distinct evolutionary lineages within a species. An evolutionary lineage is a population of organisms characterized by a continuous line of descent such that the individuals in the population at any given time are connected by ancestor/descendent relationships.


            It is critical to note that genetic differentiation alone is insufficient to define a subspecies or race under either of these definitions of race.

            You seem to have linked something that argues and shows the opposite of what you intended there, bud.

            • @RaoulDook
              -611 months ago

              Did you miss the whole section with the tree of races, showing the genetic differences in them? Maybe you didn’t make it all the way through?

              • @voracitude
                511 months ago

                I think you might have just skimmed it. Throughout the paper the authors include examples of “race trees” which they argue have no places in scientific literature because they do not apply to humans.

                I have an idea. Why don’t you quote the section that proves your point. If I can’t rebut you by copying and pasting context from the same paper, you win. Deal?

                • @RaoulDook
                  -511 months ago

                  I have another idea, which is that I’ve said all that I care to say about it already and reject your attempts to continue arguing.

                  You can just carry on believing whatever it is that you want to believe, as that’s what you’d do regardless of whatever I said anyway.

                  • LustyArgonian
                    311 months ago

                    Lmfao, you mean you lost this argument thoroughly and you’re too much of a baby to admit you were wrong.

              • @feedum_sneedson
                11 months ago

                It’s ideology for these people. Lysenkoism all over again. Meanwhile the existence of genetic subgroups, however hazy and overlapping they might be, remains extremely relevant in medicine - which they’d also be quick to point out in different circumstances.

                I get their motivation - the idea of there being 3-5 rigid classes of human that should be treated differently is ridiculous and sinister. But are there distinct genetic lineages? Absolutely, you can track human migration that way, it’s very interesting.

                A lot of the disagreement seems to come from conflation of the word “race”, which doesn’t really have a firm definition anyway. To some people in the USA it refers to this strict division of humans into absolute categories, but if you’re not predisposed to think that way it’s just shorthand for ethnic or geographical heritage.

                Globally, this heritage is something people still consider very important; whether rightly or wrongly is not for me to say. But that definitely lends an irony to the whole discussion. Being simultaneously obsessed with identity categories while claiming they don’t exist is par for the course nowadays, I think, at least in parts of the USA.

      • @machinin
        11 months ago

        I thought one of the best lessons was that you don’t deal with an aggressive and genocidal nation through appeasement.

        We should be fighting against Israel, not appeasing them.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          I thought one of the best lessons was that you don’t deal with an aggressive and genocidal nation through appeasement.

          That was also one of the lessons. It’s why we are sending weapons to Ukraine to fight Russia and plan on defending Taiwan against China.

          We should be fighting against Israel, not appeasing them.

          It would be a lot easier to do that if we hadn’t be allied with Israel for over 75 years. It’s not normal for allies to turn on each other like that.

          Regardless, there can be more than one lesson from a historical event. Fascism is an idea. It has to be fought with other ideas.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          that was the lesson from the start. that theres one way to stop fascism and genocide both.

          the lesson from the end was: you didn’t kill enough fucking Nazis.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        who the fuck mentioned Jews here?

        I’m talking about Israelis, cut your equivocating antisemitic bullshit. talk like that gets people killed by idiots who can’t tell the difference, but know genocide is bad and Nazis dying is good.

        we didn’t stop Nazism because we didn’t kill enough Nazis, on either side of the ocean. the fuckers who got social media in on it can be traced back to that. if we’d killed more Nazis then, we wouldn’t have these problems now.

        • @[email protected]
          -111 months ago

          who the fuck mentioned Jews here? I’m talking about Israelis, cut your equivocating antisemitic bullshit.

          If someone refers to Israelis as a race I would assume they are confusing Jews, an ethnic group, culture and religion as a race as opposed to confusing Israelis, a nationality, as a race.

          we didn’t stop Nazism because we didn’t kill enough Nazis, on either side of the ocean. the fuckers who got social media in on it can be traced back to that. if we’d killed more Nazis then, we wouldn’t have these problems now.

          Even if we had killed everyone who was a Nazi, the ideas could be still be spread by people who are not Nazis and then internalized and adopted by a new group of Nazis. Ideas outlive the people came up with them and believed in them. The best that would do is kick the can further down the road, but we still have to deal with this problem eventually.

          • @[email protected]
            011 months ago

            don’t think I referred to tfem as a race but I could have. I’m not super likely to bother scrolling up for a hezbarite though.

            the ideas could have been spread by people who weren’t Nazis, but were I’m this actual extant timeline spread by actual Nazis.

            american civil war was the same. every one of those slaver families needed to die. every adult, and possibly the children, if they weren’t adopted out (possibly to the people who should have got the property and would have done the raising if the slavers had won anyway). yes that’s technically genocide, but I’m saying it should have happened to some of my shitty ancestors, and I still think I’m right. that culture of keeping human beings imprisoned as chattel slaves needed to die, and because we left them alive; it didn’t.

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              don’t think I referred to tfem as a race but I could have. I’m not super likely to bother scrolling up for a hezbarite though.

              I was referring to the poster above you.

              the ideas could have been spread by people who weren’t Nazis, but were I’m this actual extant timeline spread by actual Nazis.

              My point is that killing all Nazis wouldn’t have prevented Fascism from spreading.

              american civil war was the same. every one of those slaver families needed to die. every adult, and possibly the children, if they weren’t adopted out

              Killing all slave owners wouldn’t have stopped the Lost Cause of the Confederacy myth which is responsible for the confederate sympathizers we have today. The myth is an idea and can be spread by people who don’t own slaves.

              • @[email protected]
                011 months ago

                was referring to somebody else

                so why are you arguing with me?

                killing all the Nazis wouldn’t have stopped fascism

                hard disagree. it would have stopped. maybe somebody would have dug it up later and started it back up, but it would have stopped.

                killing the slavers wouldn’t have

                I met them. their grandchildren and great children, at family reunions. they worked hard to craft and propagate these myths. they were proud of it. expected their grandchildren to keep it up.

                now, me noping out isn’t so much fix as those first couple generations did damage, abd that’s why I think they should have been killed. every single one.

                • @[email protected]
                  011 months ago

                  so why are you arguing with me?

                  I was agreeing with you. I added my two cents.

                  hard disagree. it would have stopped. maybe somebody would have dug it up later and started it back up, but it would have stopped.

                  People who weren’t Nazis knew what fascism was. Fascists wrote books and gave speeches. Fascism would still exist in peoples’ minds as a concrete idea that can be communicated to other people even if no Nazis survived the war.

                  I met them. their grandchildren and great children, at family reunions. they worked hard to craft and propagate these myths. they were proud of it. expected their grandchildren to keep it up.

                  People who didn’t own slaves spread the myth as well. Killing entire families of slave owners would not have stopped this.

                  The fascists and confederate sympathizers of today aren’t necessarily direct biological descendants of those in the past. They are ideological descendants.

                  • @[email protected]
                    111 months ago

                    it might have been restarted later, but it would have stopped first

                    read and respond to this. read and fucking respond to this please.

                    people who didn’t own slaves

                    propagated it, but somebody had to do the initial push, and in telling you, from my own family, they’re proud of the major push and consensus manufacturing they accomplished, even well into the 20th century. this is not hypothetical, this is literally what I have seen and heard them admit to me and noticed them try to push me to continue the tradition. this is what happened, and open historical documents noting membership in the early kkk and dotc support it.

                    this happened. it was real. it likely still is real. atop denying history to spare fucking Nazis.

                    and its not just here. the old Italian fascists were mentors of the current Italian fascist leaders, including Mussolini’s family. the places the rat lines lead to tended to have fascist coups during the 20th century. modi’s explicitly fascist RSS (currently doing a genocide) was founded as a stay-behind by Nazi agents in the 30s.

                    kill. more. fucking. Nazis. all of them. kill all the Nazis. every single fucking one, or it will happen again. and again. and again.