see last time I thought other people were my problems ~12 years ago.
Now I just have people problems instead of like, homework problems, or computer problems, or car problems.
Wife cheats on me? People problem.
My project a month an a half late because the previous project said “I dunno and gave up?” (haha you bastards could have written the exact same code im doing now three years ago) People problems.
Taxes? People problems. Family sick or injured or in surgery? People problems.
see last time I thought other people were my problems ~12 years ago.
Now I just have people problems instead of like, homework problems, or computer problems, or car problems.
Wife cheats on me? People problem. My project a month an a half late because the previous project said “I dunno and gave up?” (haha you bastards could have written the exact same code im doing now three years ago) People problems.
Taxes? People problems. Family sick or injured or in surgery? People problems.