A Maryland high school student was arrested and charged with threat of mass violence after police say they discovered evidence revealing the teen had plans to commit a school shooting, authorities said Thursday.

The arrest on Wednesday came after authorities discovered a 129-page document they say was written by 18-year-old Alex Ye, the Montgomery County Department of Police said in a news release Thursday.

Authorities learned of the writings following an exchange Ye had via Instagram messaging with an unidentified person who felt a school shooting was “imminent,” according to the teenager’s arrest warrant. The unidentified person knew Ye from an inpatient treatment at a local psychiatric facility, the warrant says.

Ye referred to the writings as “his memoir,” which begins with a disclaimer that it is a work of fiction, the arrest warrant says.

  • @stoly
    55 months ago

    Nobody has ever suggested that something like this is justified. You’re reacting viscerally to someone suggesting that we try to understand the context in which this person developed, what motivates them, etc. That sort of information can be helpful to understand what drives people to these sorts of behaviors and how they can be helped.

    • @[email protected]
      05 months ago

      If this kid turns out to be bullied, it has the same relevance as him playing call of duty. There are literally millions of bullied kids in the world and only some of them shoot up a school.

      When columbine happened the media had this narrative about the kids being bullied and it being some kind of revenge on the school. They weren’t bullied, they were just anti-social sadsacks and psychopaths. But the narrative probably inspired a couple of the following thousands of shootings.

      • @stoly
        25 months ago

        You seem to have this strange view on bullying as if it can’t destroy a person. In fact people never recover from it. Some empathy is deserved here.

        • @[email protected]
          05 months ago

          I have gallons of empathy for people that are bullied. That all goes away when they murder people. Lots of kids get brutally bullied and they don’t murder anyone. Murder is not a natural reaction to being bullied.

          Empathy is Especially not deserved here where the “kid” is fucking 18 and wrote about attacking a middle school.

          • @stoly
            5 months ago

            I should think that it’s possible to show empathy towards a person while simultaneously condemning their actions. They are not exclusive from one another. You’re still deciding who deserves or does not deserve empathy, but everyone who has ever lived deserves empathy.

            • @[email protected]
              5 months ago

              Yes, I am deciding who deserves sympathy. School shooters is not in that group.

              The “oh he was a tortured soul, if only someone had seen him” schtick makes the narcissistic little fuckers rock hard.

              You dont give serial killers cool names and you dont give school shooters any attention outside of being sad losers. That is the responsible thing to do.