• @jeffwOP
    15611 months ago

    Weird… why is nobody commenting about how both parties are the same?

    • Gormadt
      9711 months ago

      Oh that’s easy, because this doesn’t play into their narrative

      Their goal is to stop people from voting this year so that the fascist can win

    • @disguy_ovahea
      11 months ago

      It’s 1AM in Russia right now. Wait until morning.

    • @AuroraZzz
      3411 months ago

      Lol. Right? It looks like the bots haven’t gotten to this one yet

    • @[email protected]
      811 months ago

      The other party loudly proclaimed they don’t want this afaik so… or atleast associate themselves with that idea based on who they elect.

    • KillingTimeItself
      -1011 months ago

      if i had a nickel for everytime i heard someone say “both parties are the same” i’d have a few dollars, which isn’t much, but it’s weird that i’d have a few dollars.

      If i had a nickel for everytime i heard someone reference “both parties are the same” I’d have a lot more than a few dollars, and i’m not sure why. And honestly, it kind of scares me.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      -1311 months ago

      Out the gate early with the “all criticism of the party means that the critic is saying both parties are the same” canard.

      My only criticism of Biden on this is that he’s had the power to do this all along and is only getting around to it now. Democratic legislators had the power to do more back when they had a majority, but they refuse to wield power when we hand it to them.

        • WhatTrees
          411 months ago

          Almost like the Dept of Ed has been working on these rules for years and the process takes some time and has to be open to public comments and things. The wheels of the government are designed to move slowly. We can discuss if that’s good or not, but this isn’t something Biden decided last week, it’s been in the works for a long time.

          And it’s almost politics, especially on the left, is more complicated than one party having the slimmest of possible margins. Did you forget about Sinema and Manchen? Have you already forgotten the fights the Dems in Congress had within the party to get enough support to pass things? If you want more progressive polices to pass than you need to elect even more Dems into Congress so that the few fuckwits in the “center-right” can be relegated to the corner and ignored. That doesn’t work when nothing can pass if even one senator decides to vote no.

          Jesus fucking Christ I swear we need to mandate more than one part of one class for how the government works. So many of you out here acting like the moment a Dem becomes president they can just will whatever laws they want into existence.

          • @Ensign_Crab
            -111 months ago

            Did you forget about Sinema and Manchen?

            How could anyone forget about the only two democrats whose opinion actually matters?

            • WhatTrees
              111 months ago

              That’s a good question! But it’s one I ask myself every time someone complains about the Dems not doing enough when they had full control of Congress.

              “Why didn’t they pass a student loan bill or abortion protection or $15 minimum wage when they had the chance?” Manchen and Sinema.

              • @Ensign_Crab
                11 months ago

                Student loans: they didn’t even bother trying to pass anything while Democrats had the majority.

                $15 minimum wage: there were 8 members of the Democratic caucus who hated workers enough to go on the record as voting against it.

                Don’t pretend Manchin and Sinema are the full extent of a problem with the party writ large.

                • WhatTrees
                  011 months ago

                  Student loans: But it was the fact that Democrats couldn’t even have gotten all their members on board for student loan forgiveness that likely kept them from putting it in the bill, experts say. Given the party’s razor-thin majority, the opposition of one Democrat can derail the entire legislation.

                  $15 Minimum wage: Sinema famously voted it down.

                  How exactly does either of these reflect badly on Biden? The whole point is that people like you are forgetting that Biden couldn’t do it alone and that we need more Dems in Congress so that people like her can be put in a corner and ignored. A vote for Biden isn’t an endorsement of all Dems. If you live in a district where a moderate Dem is representing you than do your part in the primaries. If you don’t, do your part in voting in better/more Dems so we can religate the moderates.

                  • @Ensign_Crab
                    11 months ago

                    Student loans: But it was the fact that Democrats couldn’t even have gotten all their members on board for student loan forgiveness that likely kept them from putting it in the bill, experts say. Given the party’s razor-thin majority, the opposition of one Democrat can derail the entire legislation.

                    This is speculation for why Democrats didn’t even bother to try.

                    $15 Minimum wage: Sinema famously voted it down.

                    Along with 7 other members of the Democratic caucus who hate workers.

                    How exactly does either of these reflect badly on Biden?

                    I didn’t say they did. You were trying to blame the actions of the party writ large on two senators. I was correcting you. Nice attempt at diversion.

                    The whole point is that people like you are forgetting that Biden couldn’t do it alone and that we need more Dems in Congress so that people like her can be put in a corner and ignored.

                    Yeah, it doesn’t matter how big the majority we have is. Democrats find the no votes to kill progressive policy. I remember when we had a supermajority and gee, wouldn’t you just know it, we had just enough votes to kill the public option. There are always just enough manchins.

                    If you live in a district where a moderate Dem is representing you than do your part in the primaries. If you don’t, do your part in voting in better/more Dems so we can religate the moderates.

                    Yeah. I’ve seen exactly how that works. Jessica Cisneros was in the primary in the district next to mine. The national party threw its weight behind the incumbent, Henry Cuellar, an anti-choice, anti-labor NRA stooge. In my district, progressive Michelle Vallejo had her funding cut during the crucial last month of the campaign. This was during the campaign season in which the party did ad buys for MAGA candidates. The party would rather spend money on MAGA chuds and let a progressive lose a competitive race. Your advice regarding local primaries and local elections is useless, and I suspect you know it and are gloating.

                    Manchin-style centrists ARE the party.

          • @[email protected]
            -511 months ago

            so youre saying the ‘good thing’ biden did wasn’t him? cool.

            yeah I know how government functions, but you apparently don’t.

            • WhatTrees
              311 months ago

              Do you know who the Dept of Ed works for? Do you know who put the guy in charge of that Department?

              Biden didn’t directly make this change because he doesn’t have the authority to do that, but he did direct his appointee to do it.

              What part of the way the government works did I get wrong? Does the President get to will laws into existence? Did Manchen and Sinema not matter?

    • @[email protected]
      -3411 months ago

      maybe if this wasnt a fucking election stunt, wecd care more. I don’t expect this to be enforced.

      • WhatTrees
        3911 months ago

        Biden does a bad thing: See? He’s just like Trump!

        Biden does a moderate thing: See? He’s not as left as he should be!

        Biden does a good thing early in his term: See? He’s not doing enough yet!

        Biden does a good thing halfway into his term: See? It’s just to help the Dems in the midterm!

        Biden does a good thing late in his term: See? He’s just trying to appease the people who might vote for him!

        • @[email protected]
          -3311 months ago

          but he’s not stopping he genocide.

          if he protected trans rights and stopped the genocide, sure. I might consider it. too little too late, dude.

          • WhatTrees
            11 months ago

            See? He’s just like Trump! And he’s not doing enough! And the things he has done are only to help secure votes!

            Edit to add: Also, my dude, did you forget which post this is on? He’s literally protecting trans people with this move but it’s still not enough. Fact is you wouldn’t support him even if he led the revolution himself. He’s not perfect, but he’s done more to clean up Trump’s mess and help marginalized people than any president in history.

            • @[email protected]
              -911 months ago

              the problem with that is I expect it to revert the day after the election, or at least not be maintained.

              • WhatTrees
                711 months ago

                Sorry, you expect Biden to undo it if he is elected? Or do you just mean that it will be removed if Trump wins. Of course if Trump wins he’ll undo whatever of Biden’s work he can. I don’t have any reason at all to think Biden would remove it after the election if he won. Why wouldn’t he maintain it?

              • @[email protected]
                11 months ago

                Yeah, it’s good, for now. Vote to keep it that way.

                And cross your fingers that Thomas has a heart attack soon.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  but no option on the ballot does that. joe is barely more honest than don. guess I’m not voting.

                  • WhatTrees
                    411 months ago

                    Jesus Christ dude, do I need to link you the list of Trump lies told in his four years? What had Biden lied about that’s even close to that!? Trump averaged multiple lies in a day and you’re here saying they are basically the same. If you want Trump to win just vote for him instead of pretending it’s some principled stand against Biden.

                  • KillingTimeItself
                    311 months ago

                    damn, gun violence is crazy, as a gun owner i guess i should just shoot myself huh.

                    (hello mods, hi, this is satire, i’m satirizing, pls don’t kill me, kthnx bye)

          • @jeffwOP
            1011 months ago

            Which party is speaking out against it? And which party has 99% supporting it?

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              neither party is speaking out against it. neither party has stopped funding them.

              empty words are empty.

              • @jeffwOP
                211 months ago

                points to all the democrats speaking out against it

                I can’t tell if you’re a troll or you just don’t read political news. If it’s an innocent mistake, that’s one thing…

                  • @jeffwOP
                    111 months ago

                    “I know what other people think so you should trust me instead of listening to those people!”
