Just sharing this really well produced video on Linux’s public perception (since this channel has suprisingly not a lot of subscribers)

  • @[email protected]
    1411 months ago

    I agree with most of it. But Linux can just be a pain, and is not always obvious. Specially if you have no real knowledge of Linux and just wat to use it like Macos or windows. I would say it just is not a drop in replacement. Just starting out and choosing a distro can be overwhelming

    • @EvolvedTurtle
      2511 months ago

      This is sort of a self fulfilling prophecy Cause Linux is confusing because it’s not used enough for people to make more user friendly applications

      I’d say just bite the bullet and hope for a better future

      • @[email protected]
        1811 months ago

        exactly, i read histories from 2004, and was midbloggling how a pain linux was, today is 1000x easier lmao, and each day it’s becomening better, more companies are growing because of it(system76, tuxego, valve) more money flowing in, hell we hit 4% market lmao

      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        Nah, Linux is confusing because it’s software. I have a well-paying job in large part because Windows and macOS are confusing as hell, too.

        • @[email protected]
          1111 months ago

          linux at least gives you the information you need to slowly untangle things, sure you’ll be presented with a screen of inscrutable text, but you can just search that text online and get results that you can make sense of

          meanwhile with other OSes they just say “there was a problem” and you have no earthly clue what the fuck the actual issue is, if there even is one and the OS isn’t just being spiteful

    • TechNom (nobody)
      411 months ago

      Can you tell us what you find difficult while using Linux? (After the installation).

      PS: Not a rhetoric. Just trying to understand the friction.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        Just annoying things like missing video codecs in fedora. Why the heck do I have to install something just to watch a video online?! Or the fingerprint reader in Ubuntu only works for the one session, after that it forgets all my prints again. Or using proton and missing dx11 drivers in pop os, I know they are crappy Microsoft software, but are required for some games. Or that Ableton, fusion360, affinity are not available for Linux. I know it’s not Linux fault, we need big companies to invest in Linux in order for it to gain more traction. Or all the package managers. Which should I use? Snap comes with Ubuntu but people say it’s bad and flat pack is better. Or that there is no sound output selection or mixer in the gnome top bar, I need to install an gnome addon for that. There are just little things compared to Mac or windows that Linux is missing or has difficulty with. Don’t get me wrong, I use Linux full time on my laptop now and try to move to Linux on my desktop as well. Those are just things that tech savvy people would struggle with, and I can’t blame them form calling Linux difficult then

        • @[email protected]
          1311 months ago

          Why the heck do I have to install something just to watch a video online?

          MPEG-LA licensing or the legal hell of USA-based organisations is a risk to small projects like Fedora, so where possible they cut the risk and lay it on users decision to use propriatory licenses.

          At least that is how I understood it. I don’t know how Arch Linux and Debian (i.e. pacman and APT) don’t have that problem.

          • @[email protected]
            1411 months ago

            Uugh I’m so sick of proprietory licenses and software… all this licensing shit… I’m just fed up

            • trevor
              411 months ago

              Part of the problem also has to do with corporate-backed distros. Fully community-driven distros don’t suffer from that nearly as much, if at all.

              I like Fedora, but stuff like that makes me worry about how it’s going to be as time goes on.

        • @[email protected]
          511 months ago

          This is why I’d steer clear from Fedora. Even as an experienced user, it’s quite a pain to setup.

          I’d go with Linux Mint instead.

    • @Eldritch
      211 months ago

      If you try to run Windows on a system it was not designed for or that was not designed for it you will have a worse time. If you go out and buy a system designed to be compatible with and run Linux. You will have to work real hard to have issues. About the worst you’ll get is some proprietary software that you may or may not be able to replace doesn’t support it. Which is not a Linux problem itself. Or some Niche game uses some anti cheat system that supports Linux but the developers specifically chose not to support. Again not a Linux problem.

      Honestly about the biggest complaint I get for my parents whom I’ve largely switched over on compatible systems. Is it my father can’t install the latest malware some random site was advertising to him.