• @disguy_ovahea
    426 months ago

    Yes. Yes you are.

    The statement also includes descriptions of illicit drugs that were at the party, including cocaine and ecstasy, as well as a passage indicating that the party was also attended by a then-17-year-old woman who was previously the focus of a years-long Department of Justice probe which focused on whether Mr Gaetz had sexual contact with her when she was below the legal age of consent.

      • Beemo Dinosaurierfuß
        15 months ago

        A now adult woman that was only 17 years old when the incident in question happened.

        Which is clearly stated in the article that you willfully missquoted.

        • Funderpants
          45 months ago

          A 17 year old minor girl attended the party, a minor who was the subject of a sexual interference investigation. Referring to her current status of womanhood only serves to age her up in the mind of readers, lessening the subjective severity of the crimes.

      • chingadera
        5 months ago

        We should start a push to publicly shame every single “journalist” that cheapens the truth like this. Even outside of sex crimes. This shit has to stop.

        Edit: if we do it enough, by name, they will start to edit these articles.

      • @[email protected]
        -55 months ago

        How condescending. I assume you think a 17 year old is a child? And then the second they turn 18 they’re not?

        You can be against gaetz being creep and a groomer without thinking that 17 year olds shouldn’t be called women

        • Funderpants
          15 months ago

          In the context of sex crimes, sexual interference, and similar, journalists and others for that matter should avoid using language that “ages up” victims.

    • @Sanctus
      56 months ago

      How many of us would be in jail right now having been caught in this exact situation?